Website Development
Websites are commonly associated with commercial activity wherein an establishment advertises its services and products and solicits customers. Websites can be considered as Information Brochures and Visiting Cards on the internet. There are some differences which sets apart the websites from the print media. Any number of people can view a website from any geographical location for any number of times. Whereas limited number of people can access the print media and that too from a specific geographical area depending on the number of copies that are printed.
Most of the websites that get published throughout the year are associated with commercial activity. But there are websites which are anything but commercial in nature. Examples of such include websites for government agencies, universities, colleges, social networking, non-profit organizations, etc.
Most of the websites are static in nature i.e the content does not change unless a page is edited and uploaded again to the web server. Developing static websites is common where it is known that the content is not going to be changed very often.
Many websites have dynamic content displayed on them. A page can show different content to different visitors depending on the options that were chosen when the said website was first visited by the visitor. For example a website for a courier company will show tracking information for a particular consignment. This information depends on the consignment number that was keyed in.
People surfing the web are constantly on the lookout for easy to navigate, simple, informative and fast loading sites. There are varying types of internet connections provided by the ISPs. Some are suitable for viewing text only websites and some are suitable for viewing videos and other heavy media.
We plan and develop websites so that they are fast loading, easy to maintain and easily searchable on the various search engines. Developing something is a very short term activity. But maintaining the same thing is a long term one unless it is decided that the thing has to be discarded. This applies to websites as well. It has been witnessed that beautiful websites are being developed every now and then in a very methodical and meticulous way, but unfortunately they are not being maintained in the same spirit. Content on such sites get stale day by day and one day comes that these websites are a part of history. This happens because of many reasons, some of which are - the company which developed the webiste initially has closed down Or has no business inclination in taking maintenance projects OR the freelance designer who developed a website is not traceable so that he can do the required maintenance work.
Website maintenance is a big activity in our portfolio, big enough to say that it helps the company break-even in the context of the profit and loss equation.

Search Engine Optimization
Website developers often don't take efforts to undertake SEO activity, thinking that it is an independent activity and which is charged separately. We stronly feel that website development cannot be completed without the SEO being undertaken in the suggested ways by the SEO gurus. Many a times a website is developed keeping in mind its visual attractiveness. No consideration is given to its Search Engine Friendliness. Often such websites rank very low in any search engine search listings for a particular group of search strings. For example links to different pages of a site should not be a part of flash, but should be HTML links. This is because search engine robots can read only text only files. So having the links as part of the HTML is the right thing to do.
Websites are like visiting cards. What is the use of a visiting card if it is not distributed and just kept in ones wallet or a card holder? Similarly what is the use of having a visually beautiful and informative site if people are not able to visit it because they are not aware that such a website does exist. Most of the times people search the internet using their favourite search engine. Your website might get listed in the search results if it had been submitted to that particular search engine. So the first thing that needs to be done is to submit ones website to a particular search engine for its inclusion in the search index. It is not enough that a site is submitted to a search engine. Search engines should be helped to understand what a particular website is all about. Search engines give special attention to the content and special tags that surround the content. These special tags include, the title tag, the meta description tag, the headings tag, the alt attribute of the image tag. These tags should be developed after extensive and comprehensive keyword research.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Search Engine Optimization means helping the search engines to gather search related information regarding a particular site. We undertake SEO as an independent activity for websites for whom this should have been taken place along with the website development phase. We analyse websites and suggests subtle changes that needs to be done so that the said site could rank higher in the search rankings including keyword research.

Custom Software Development
Custom software is software that is specially developed for some specific organization or other user. As such, it can be contrasted with the use of software packages developed for the mass market, such as commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software, or existing free software, an in-house software development group, or be commissioned from an external software development company.
Since custom software is developed for a single customer it can accommodate that customer's particular preferences and expectations. Custom software may be designed in stage by stage processes, allowing all nuances and possible hidden dangers to be taken into account, including issues which were not mentioned in the specifications. Custom software can be developed for a particular department or to be used by the entire organization.
Large companies commonly use custom software for critical functions, including content management, inventory management, customer management, human resource management, or otherwise to fill the gaps present in the existing software packages. Often such software is legacy software, developed before COTS software packages offering the required functionality became available.
Custom software development is often considered expensive compared to off-the-shelf solutions or products. This can be true if one is speaking of typical challenges and typical solutions. However, it is not always true; custom software development by a reputable supplier is often a matter of building a house upon a solid foundation and, if managed properly, it is possible to do this quickly and to a high standard.
We develop custom-made software which are based on small databases such as MS-Access, large databases such as MSSQL and MySql.