Domain Name Registration
A Domain Name is like an identification name which is there to indicate the ownership to that name on the web. It is a unique address through which your customers and friends find all the information about your services or about you. Once a Domain Registration is done under your name it cannot be used by any other user. This becomes your permanent address and users can have access to all the information no matter where you are located. Domain Names are also known as hostnames and each domain has a suffix attached to it. The most common are .com, .net, .co, co.in, .org and others.
Domain Features
- Free Email Accounts
- DNS Management
- Free Mail Forwards
- Bulk Tools
- Privacy Protection
- Domain Forwarding
- Domain Theft Protection
- Easy to use control Panel
- .asia
- .au (3rd Level)
- .biz
- .bz
- .ca
- .cc
- .cn (2nd Level)
- .cn (3rd Level)
- .cn.com
- .co (2nd Level)
- .co (3rd Level)
- .com
- .com.de
- .de
- .es
- .eu
- .in
- .in (3rd Level)
- .info
- .me
- .mn
- .mobi
- .name
- .net
- .nl
- .nz (3rd Level)
- .org
- .pro
- .pw
- .ru
- .ru (3rd Level)
- .sx
- .tel
- .tv
- .uk (3rd Level)
- .us
- .ws
- .xxx

Email Hosting Services
Many a times people spend considerable amount of time and efforts before choosing a suitable domain name for their website(s). The domain name thus chosen is something
that uniquely represents their area of activity on the web. In addition to this, it adds a professional touch to their business. This business professionalism that is
thus gained should be further leveraged by using personalized email ids. But people take their chances and start to use email ids hosted on gmail.com, rediffmail.com, hotmail.com, yahoo.com, etc. People might ask What harm does it cause if
such email ids are used?
Firstly all the professionalism gained by developing a visually attractive and informative website is lost. Secondly you might be knowing that most of the times emails
sent using sites such as gmail.com, rediffmail.com, etc find their way in the SPAM Folder Or are deleted without being read and taken a note off. This happens because
the recipient thinks that such emails are not genuine and are a part of Bulk Email Marketing campaign. But in reality there are some email users such as you who are
genuine and have written genuine business emails. But alas your genuine emails also find their way to the TRASH Folder. The only way out of such embarrassing
situations is to have Business Email Solutions.
- Unlimited Email Accounts
- Each email account of 2GB
- Web-Based Access
- Online Address Book
- Mailing Lists
- Vacation Auto-Responders
- Folder Management
- Sorting & Searching
- Easy-To-Use Control Panel
- Email Forwards
- Email Aliases
- Virus Protection
- Spam Protection
- Support for MS-Outlook, Thunderbird, Apple Mail, etc
- Support for iPhone, Blackberry, Android, PDA, etc

Web Hosting Services
Hosting in India is also known as Website Hosting or Web Hosting. It is a basically renting of server space and bandwidth so that you can maintain your files for your websites through a Website Hosting Company. Hosting can be either Linux Web Hosting or Windows Hosting. Users and organizations can store all their important information, images or other content on the server. In simple words Web Hosting in India is like renting a space on a computer which would hold all the information of your website.
Unlimited Everything
- Unlimited Disk Space
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Unlimited Domains & Sub-Domains
- Unlimited FTP Accounts
- Unlimited MySQL Databases
eCommerce Support
- Private SSL Available
- Add-on Dedicated IP
- Supports osCommerce, CubeCart, Zen Cart
Hosting Control Panel
- cPanel/Plesk
- World's Leading Hosting Control Panel
- Manage Web Pages, View Website Statistics, Create Email Accounts etc.
- Comes with Fantastico Script Installer - Install Blogs, Shopping Carts etc.
- Anti Spam & Virus Protection
- Password Protect Directories
- Secure FTP Access
- IP Blocking
- phpMyAdmin Access
- Hotlink & Leech Protection
- Cron Jobs for Scheduled Tasks
- Customizable Error Page
- Website Statistics with AWstats
- State-of-the-art Datacenters
- Dual Quad-Core Xeon powered Servers
- Redundant Scalable Servers
Software Installation
- WordPress
- phpBB
- Coppermine
- Joomla
- LimeSurvey
- ZenCart
- Drupal
- OsTicket
- more....
Linux Support
- PHP 5.2x, Perl, Python, GD, cURL, CGI, mcrypt
- Apache 2.2x
- MySQL 5
- Zend Optimizer, Zend Engine, ionCube Loader
Windows Support
- Windows Server 2008
- IIS 7.0, ASP.NET 4.5, ASP, PHP 5.2x, PHP 5.3x, GD, cURL, CGI, mcrypt
- Zend Optimizer, Zend Engine, ionCube Loader