Who are we?
Stallion Software Systems is a Pune based company having its office in Koregaon Park. It was started in the year 2005. It was
started with a view to provide cost effective web-based solutions to small scale businesses.
The company offers its services in two segments, namely Data Management and Web-based Application Development. There are specific aims and objectives for
which this company was started.

Data Management
Day by day, managing data is becoming a tedious job for companies in all the segments. This is due to the speed at which data is being
generated every day. For any company, the data it owns is the most important thing than its own product(s)/service(s). The quality of the data
determines the quality of the product(s)/service(s) the company offers to its clients.
Outsourcing of data management activities help companies to concentrate on other important things which are determined by the domain in which
they work. We relieve the companies of their efforts to maintain their own data.

Web-based Application Development
Our main objectives are to offer establishments economical, scalable, easy to use and maintain websites. Our audiences are the small players in
all the fields in and around Pune.
Our secondary objective was to educate establishments regarding the advantages of having a global presence through their websites. There are
many misconceptions regarding website hosting and its development. One of them being that it costs lot of money to have a website. So having a
website is only possible for the bigger players in the industry. Another common misconception is that one needs to spend a lot of money for website
promotion. The fact is most of the popular website search engines offer their services free of cost. Website promotion is a part and parcel
of website development. Unfortunately cunning people and companies started taking advantage of the unsuspecting clients, convincing them that
Website Promotion is a separate activity and is chargeable separately.
In the initial years, having a website was considered a luxury, but as the time passed by it has become a necessity. It has become one of the
most trusted, cost effective, effecient and time saving marketing tool, a tool without which companies won't survive. Having said this, we
found it odd that Pune being an IT city of India has relatively fewer establishments that have websites of their own. This was due to the
reason that any company started in Pune hopes to sell its services to the western countries neglecting the local market.